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Sunday, October 27, 2024

Guidelines issued for home based care for COVID-19 patients

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Guidelines for providing home-based care for asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic COVID-19 patients have been issued by the Ministry of Health.

According to guidelines, the area MOH is responsible for monitoring COVID-19 patients who need home-based care and institutional health care.

Patients who are aged between 2 to 65 are eligible for home based care. They should be isolated in a separate room with sanitary facilities and adequate ventilation allocated for them.

The guidelines further state that the patients shoud not have uncontrolled comorbidities such as morbid obesity (BMI>30), diabetes, hypertension, chronic heart/lung/renal diseases or other medical conditions. Also, they not be suffering from immunocompromised status or not on long-term immunosuppressive therapy

They should have adequate self-care or caregiver support at home and hould have proper communication facilities and the ability to communicate (patient or caregiver)

Moreover, the patients should have given informed consent and in the case of a pregnant woman, the gestational period should be less than 24 weeks.

The guidelines said that the patient can be discharge after two weeks of PCR report. If the patient shows any symptoms even after two weeks, he/she will be monitored until the symptoms resolve.